Second Solo Travel Class Opened
for Feb. 4th at 1:30 pm.
To register Click here

Travel decisions can be challenging! Where, when, and with whom???
Do you sometimes want to travel to a destination that is possibly unusual or different than where or when anyone else in your family or your friends would choose ? Consider traveling solo!
Solo travel is on the rise. It does not mean you must choose to be alone. It means you would consider leaving home alone then possibly joining a group (tour) or ship, or simply going total solo, to your chosen destination. The Wall Street Journal has recently reported that individuals, 55 and over, traveled without their significant other, 46% more in 2023 compared to the previous year. Social media is perhaps partly responsible, with the tag #solotravel amassing 7.7 billion views on Tik Tok !
Solo travel may give you more flexibility, independence and freedom to do, see and experience what you want at your own pace - all with a greater inclination to interact with locals and other travelers. You may be a “hybrid” traveler, on a friends or family trip and then choosing to continue on another leg of the journey on your own.
A fun fact about solo travel is that it can lead to some truly unforgettable experiences and unexpected connections. Additionally, traveling solo can help you become more confident, independent and self-sufficient. Finally, solo travel can be a great way to challenge yourself and step out of your comfort zone. In this presentation and discussion we will cover many ways to be a successful solo traveler.
Important considerations and suggestions:
- Planning
- Low or no single supplements
- Eating alone with ease
- Best general and budget ’24 solo destinations
- Best Solo Tour Companies
- Safety Considerations
- Guide to solo travel insurance
- Tour companies that offer solo tours.
Within the discussion there will be time for other local solo travelers to share their input and experiences, tips and advice.

Linda Orlow has been a solo traveler: aboard a boat along the Amazon River, aboard a supply ship along the Labrador coast, aboard a 50’ sailboat in the Greek Islands, spent a total of six months in nine solo Alaskan experiences, AirBnb solo week in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico, four days in Winnipeg, Manitoba to see an new Inuit Art Museum, aboard the Alaska Marine Highway System (AMHS) Ferry along the inside passage and later down the Aleutian Islands chain, three weeks in New Zealand celebrating AFS International exchange, and a 2300 mile road trip to Norfolk, VA for an Inuit glass installation.